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February 27, 2017
Expanding the Wooting business
Co-founder and CEO
Rappy Snappy Tappy
Wooting 80HE factory tour
Computex, XLAT speed tester and something special
Wooting 80HE - Problems fixed
80HE Update - Major Manufacturing Delay
SOCD our implementation of Snap tap
DVT review and computex
Mass production dates!
First DVT Sample & the LED bar
Wooting 80HE founders campaign ended
80HE FAQ round 2
What a start to the campaign & all your questions answered.
80HE Founders’ Campaign sneak peek
Wooting 80HE - Layouts and options
60HE and 60HE+ What is the difference
Wooting 80HE - The True Polling Rate
Wooting 80HE - Case material
Wooting 80HE - Ergonomics and feet
Wooting 80HE - Gasket mount explained
Wooting 80HE - We've Made a Change!
Wooting 80HE - What Now
This has to STOP - Wooting 80HE Teaser
We need to discuss the Elephant In The Room
Mass production delayed, DVT & What to Expect
DVT almost done!
Founders' campaign is ending soon
First UwU update - nice upgrade and current developments
UwU founders campaign sneak peak
Wooting two HE update - Ready for our first ARM production
More productions & Take control keycaps
Peak Season & PBT Keycaps
More detailed order information
The Batches Production Schedule
This is 7 years in the making
First ARM production done
NEW batches and let's celebrate!
How to Clean a Mechanical Keyboard - Household Products only
Why we have to increase our Euro price
Seafreight almost here & big ARM update
Wooting 60HE - What you can do now
Mass production DONE mmmyeaahh!
We're back on track to production
The volt regulator got us
We have a proposal for you
PVT has been pushed back!
Mass production date locked in?!
60HE Accessories
DVT sample review
Founders campaign ended
200k Stretch goal - Unlocked & more
Video update - More voting, EVT & what's next?
125k in the pocket - now to the 200k!
Let's do stretch goals
We did it. € 75,000 within 8 hours.
Wooting two HE | Wrong labels caused a hiccup
Wooting two HE | Refreshed page and inc. production
Update #4 | A little push back.
Update #1| Closer to mass production.
The Inner Game of CS:GO
How to Improve your Gaming Performance Using the Flow State
Update #6 | Looking back
The best keyboard switches for gaming
Wooting 60HE - Rewards and Perks
Wooting two HE | Batch 1 coming in hot! Update #5
How to silence and sound-dampen your mechanical keyboard
At the doors of production | Wooting two HE | Update #3
ABS vs PBT - What are the best keycaps?
Wooting products - Price increase
No more vaporware | Lekker update #7
Crossing the t's| LEKKER UPDATE #6
We overcame big challenges | Lekker Update #5 | PART 2/2
Lekker edition Sold out! What's next? | Lekker update #5 | part 1/2
Sailing the Lekker boat | Lekker update #4
Now in pre-order- Lekker Keycaps, Snackbar, and Snackbag
What is Wooting’s Rapid Trigger for Analog Keyboards?
Lekker progress - not so lekker virus | Lekker update #3
Resting on the Wooting wrist rest
A Timeline Switch | Lekker update #2
The factory roadtrip | Lekker update #1
Lekker more people... August update.
Mechanical vs membrane keyboards showdown
Everything you need to know about 60% and 65% keyboards
What's up at Wooting... It's June.
Introducing the Lekker switch
What are Hall Effect keyboard Switches
Closing a chapter to open another... it's March
The Twooting shipments mumble... it's January
Mass production? New hipsters in town! Winners.... It's November
Wooting & Sea Sonic partnership
Redesign, USA Tariff, Wooting two, Code-it and more... It’s October!
You can code it! It's September
Busy as a bee... Amazing August
Wooting Developer Portal - The future of analog input keyboards
What influences keyboard input speed
Wooting Two Kickstarter Rewards Preview
Wooting Wooting two two
Welcome to the Amazon... it's March
Webflow Homepage