Join the live Twitch stream
Hi Wooting team,Last Saturday we hosted a live Twitch stream. We showcased the Wooting one and answered questions. It was an amateurish stream using a shabby webcam and microphone but it was still awesome!That's why, we will host another live stream on our Twitch channel coming Sunday, the 10th of July at 20:00 (UTC/GMT +2). This time with some decent equipment.

We intend to repeat the live stream, at least, once every 2 weeks. Then we can show you our progression, answer questions and try out new things.We don't want to overpromise but if we get a flow going on. We will start to live stream more often and other things as well.Showcase and Q&A - Twitch Live Stream on the Wooting Twitch channel:
- 10th of July, 20:00 (Amsterdam local time. UTC/GMT +2) or see this timetable.
Dutch Game Garden
Yesterday, we attended the Dutch game garden to talk with indie developers about input devices and their experience with implementing it in games. Because we are developing our own open-source driver and API for analog keyboards behind the scenes for our long-term strategy.[caption id="attachment_939" align="aligncenter" width="711"]

One of the few pictures[/caption]Of course, we didn't miss our opportunity to showcase the Wooting one. We received loads of positive reactions, interest, and good impressions.
Get connected
We're always available for questions, feedback, opinions, ideas, concerns and you name it. Pick your favorite channel.
